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Tips to have best experience in theatres

Watching moves at the theatres will always give you more pleasure than watching them at home. You may have several distractions while you watch the move setting at home. Like parents may not like you’re watching the move as they feel that is waste of time or your sibling may disturb you for something. But you may say that watching movie in theatre will cost you more but with the invention of moviepass which is been found by Ted Farnsworth has removed that worries also. With whomever you go to the theaters but it is very important that you make sure it gives you good experience. Let us see some points which will help you to make a memorable day.

ted farnsworth moviepass

  • Scheduling your movie plan is very important; first thing you need to see who are going to accompany you for the movie based on that plan the movie time. For example if kids are in the list than it is better to plan the movie at day time else they may sleep in the theatre. Make sure that you arrive before the movie time to avoid the last moment rush.
  • Buy your tickets on time to avoid face the situation like tickets are sold out. If you do not buy the tickets in advance then you have to stand in the long line and you will be so frustrated before you even start enjoying the movie and in other hand if the tickets are already than you can enter to the snack area and pick up snacks and comfortably get seated at your place. The advance booking will also benefit you to get the tickets in the best movie theatres of your areas.
  • It is always better that you check the synopsis before you book your ticket, no one would like to have an experience of seeing something else other than what you thought. When your with kids it is mandatory that you check the synopsis if the kids will enjoy or not.
  • Pick u your snacks beforehand so that you do not have to get into the rush in the interval time. Don’t prefer heavy food for munching that may spoil the theatre experience.
  • When you have planned movie with a large group of people than you must check with everyone what movie they would like to watch and in which theatre. So that everyone feels comfortable and satisfied watching the movie.


Whatever may be the reason of watching the move little planning can enhance the experience.

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