The world of film distribution is a difficult place. After a fight and sweating, to finish the film, you are mentally and physically exhausted.
You just want to rest and rest, but you cannot, because the completion of the film is only half the battle. It’s time to enter the world of film distribution.
Distributing films is a difficult place for filmmakers new to routine. It’s hard to turn off the creative mind in order to deal with the commercial side of movie sales.
From bad times, I learned that the distribution of films really begins with the promotion and commercialization of films.
Social media is an economical way to spread the word about your let me watch this movie and create killer viral noise on the Internet.
It’s nice to go along the route of the film festival so that your viewers and potential buyers of the film can see your film, but years after talking with other directors, there is a general feeling that the stage of the film festival is Too Full Now.
British director Wayne Danielles of LiarDice Films said that his last trip to the Cannes International Film Festival was ruthlessly insane.
There was an abundance of films, and the producers struggled to get the attention of film distributors.
In general, Wayne said the release of the film there is a waste of time and money. I heard the same opinion about other directors who are disappointed with the stage of the film festival and no longer see this as a good way to ensure the distribution of films.