lineaire geleiding

Everything You Wanted to Know About lineaire geleiderail

  1. Filling lubricating oil into linear manual

As we all know, the smoke and dust created by the cutting and engraving will harm the manual rail after a period of usage. Therefore we will need to do the daily maintenance of the lineaire geleiderail . Please turn off the laser engraving equipment and reduce the energy, wash out the guide rail with a clean mull, then gently drop the lubricating oil on the guide rail, try to move the slide pole and ensure that the oil comes into it.

  1. Clean the reflector and focusing mirror

After a period of usage of this laser engraving and laser cutting machine, then the smoke and dust will adhere to the surface of the reflector and mirror, which will affect the engraving and lineaire geleiderail cutting thickness and will affect the design and cutting precision. We will need to clean the three reflectors and one focusing mirror with pure alcohol each week.

lineaire geleiding

3.Oil-filling for the bearing

A laser engraving machine is equipped with lots of bearings; to maintain the fantastic engraving and cutting result, part of the bearings needs to be refilled with oil regularly (except the oil-retaining bearing). Wipe the surface dust on the bearing using the wash mull, have a slice of lineaire geleiderail the injector and suck on some engine oil inside, then fill the position with a pinhead and proceed with the bearing at precisely the same time.

  1. Adjustment of synchronous belt

There are a few synchronous belts on a single laser engraving machine; if the synchronous belt is loose, which will result in the double images of the engraved words, even if the synchronous belt is too tight, which will result in the abrasion of the synchronous belt. Following a period of use, please adjust the tight screws of the synchronous belt, adjust the synchronous belt till its level of tightness is suitable, it is adequate when there are no double images of the engraved words along with the sound of the laser engraving, and laser cutting machine is very low, or you can consult with our technician.

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