
The Various Esmaltadosemipermanente: Everything You Need To Know

One of the best things every woman can do is to treat themselves and one of these is to get a manicure. Manicure is a cosmetic beauty therapy for the hands and especially the fingernails. There are a lot of people who prefer to make it at home, but it is more comfortable and relaxing in a salon. There are a lot of people who want to make their nails clean every day, thus, this is impossible if they will get the best service from a reliable industry today. There are many establishments that are offering this kind of service

A manicure and pedicure consists of filing and forming the free edge, pushing and cutting (with a cuticle pusher and cuticle nippers) any nonliving tissue, treatments with different liquids, massage of the hand, and the application of fingernail polish. Thus, it is really important to be aware of the products that are harmful in fingers just like the Esmaltessemipermanentes in order to protect and ensure the safety of the fingernails.

Safe Colores Semipermanentes Products. There are a lot of colors available of Semilac Colores Semipermanentes that an individual can choose. This is applied easily and UV hybrid with classic colors. Including coral, faded pink, white, purple, pink rock, green glass and many more.

Different Features of Colores Semipermanentes Products.

  1. An individual can choose the one that the color can cover all the damage part of the nails. As it has a lot of colors to offer in a 7ml size. These different colors will give a better appearance of the nails and cover what is not good to see. This kind of feature can help to boost every woman’s confidence.
  2. Can choose colors that have a brighter color than other semipermanentes products. Some of this is from faded pink to rose pink, from white to pure black in more glossy colors. Every individual can get the freedom in wearing a nail color depends on their interest, but at some point, people want to have some advice from the people who are reliable especially if they will be having a special event and many more.
  3. There are several colores semipermanentes product have glitters and pearlized. This is considered a special feature of every individual. Some people prefer to wear this kind of base but some don’t, it always depends on the taste of an individual.
  4. Double time in drying with the different colors is required, as it can be dried with the help of UV. This is one of the best things about this colores semipermanentes as people won’t be bored waiting for their nail arts dry. This has its own features that an individual will be benefited as this is easy to dry, no need to wait for long hours just to dry it, just like other brands on the market today. pedicure

Collection of Colores Semipermanentes

Business Line 36, Black and White 18, Allure 18, Special Day 18, Hottie 18, Ocean Dream 18, Tropical Drinks 18 and Sweets and Love 18. Another is unique 15, My Story 14, Thermal 11, Cat Eye 11, Parcells 9, Flavors 8, DanceFlow, and Platinum. These are the collection that is safe to use and it is not that expensive to purchase.


Protecting nails is very important, as there are a lot of harmful ingredients today that can be found today in the market. Fingernails will usually show an individual status of health.this indicates the natural color of the nails if the person is healthy and will indicate other colors if not. So, in order to not affect the natural colors of the nails an individual should take care of them also naturally. From choosing the right products that are not harmful to the body. It doesn’t have any kind of side effects, and also the best way is to eat healthy foods and drink at least 2 liters a day where toxic can be carried away.

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