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The coming of technology has proved that we are in better days and times. We shall do better in the future if we maintain the acidity as our tool .It is the best ever activity fir humanity. We are w ebjoy8g doing online business because of technology. Everywhere  you go people talk of technology. Without technology there could be no schools ,hospitals , vehicles, smartphones ,just to mention  but a few. This wonderful technology can really improve our loves .We are now more advanced than before. We shall keep on using technology to improve our society. WE are better people now .Our lives are in our own hands .Let us try to leave a better legacy for our generations to come .When you need to buy properties in UK you can check on property finder uk, where you will be able to access better services online.

security agents

Our young generation is fully depending on us. We must make sure that they are secure an safe. The coming of the internet has exposed our young ones to the compute games and at worst to the pornographic films sand images. WE must build a better future fir them. The cyber-crimes re rapping our kids, and utt8g them to danger. The security agents must ensure the do their work well. WE are the only persons can do better. WE can start by introducing better polices of involving the community to share information with these security agents. This will ensure that even the all the criminals are tracked and arrested. The corrupt security agents must give us room to breath. WE want a better society. They must all be wiped out of our society .we are the only  persons give ours lives a future that his assured. We have the knowledge of acquiring information as much as possible. We can get better and better. Our lives are better no because technology has contributed a larger percentage to them. WE shall live to appreciate and a recognize what technology does to us. WE must make sure that we leave  a better legacy to our children. They really need us.

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