In Europe, Cyprus is not the only country that offers citizenship through investment but it is by far the quickest route taking 3-4 months to get EU passport.
The Cyprus Permanent Residence Program
With a total purchase cost of at least €300.000 excluding the VAT, one must purchase one or two new real estate properties in Cyprus. It should be derived from sources other than employment in Cyprus having a steady and secure income transferred on a regular basis from abroad to a bank operating in Cyprus and it should be a 3-year fixed deposit account. It is in between 2-3 months of processing time for a Cyprus Permanent Residence. An F 6 Immigration Permit category will give you a Non-EU national the right to reside permanently in Cyprus and will exempt you from immigration entry procedures such as Visitor’s Visa. And your family can obtain it also.
The Benefits of Citizenship
Among the 28 countries of the European Union, citizens have the right to live and work. Citizens also have the right to attend at special tuition rates exclusive for EU nationals or attend schools and universities within any EU country for free. Beneficial tax regime for Cypriot passport holders, having no inheritance tax or no foreign income tax, no withholding tax on interest earned and lowest taxation rates in Europe for residents.
What is SkillSelect?
It is a primary online service that helps Australia in directing its skilled migration program that works to ensure the country’s economic needs are met. The Australian government has provided the essential support in monitoring applications for skilled migration through SkillSelect, including who’s eligible to apply, when applications are open and how many positions are available. With these services, it provides Australia with greater efficiency in addressing regional skill shortages and liaising with potential migrants, whether or not they’re prepared to work and live in regional areas throughout Australia.